Archiv der Flucht

Archiv der Flucht © Foto: Katy Otto,

Archive of Refuge creates a digital memory site that preserves and reflects on flight and displacement to Germany in the 20th and 21st centuries. It shows that migration and seeking refuge is not an exception nor an anomaly triggered by crisis; rather, it is an integral part of post-war German history.
The project at Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) in Berlin was initiated by Carolin Emcke and is co-curated by her and Manuela Bojadžijev.
The Goethe-Institut is presenting Archive of Refuge in Athens, Belgrade, Bucharest, Istanbul, Sarajevo, Tirana, and Zagreb. In cooperation with local partners, the project will examine what forms of remembrance and witnessing are needed in our contemporary migration societies, while seeking to identify structural similarities common to the different narratives of displacement and arrival. A further focus will be on what the memories of refugees and migrants can show us about how our society sees itself.

Film interviews

Forty-two conversations, each lasting several hours, were filmed for Archive of Refuge: the interviewers gave themselves over to listening to, witnessing, and documenting individual stories and reflections on the experience of displacement and expulsion, home and exile, belonging and starting all over again.
The online archive containing the forty-two film interviews can be accessed HERE.


Books on the subject

You can find the recommended book titles in the digital stocks of the eLibrary. For more information on registration, please click here.


Archive of Refuge is a project by Haus der Kulturen der Welt. 

Under the patronage of Frank-Walter Steinmeier, President of the Federal Republic of Germany

The online archive and the production of the film interviews are funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation.


In South-East Europe Archive of Refuge is being presented in Athens, Belgrade, Bucharest, Istanbul, Sarajevo, Tirana, and Zagreb as a cooperative undertaking between Haus der Kulturen der Welt and the Goethe-Institut and its partners in the different cities.

