Space for Art

  • Anna Witt, Chorweiler Beat, installation view, Simultanhalle Cologne, 2016_Courtesy by the artists and Simultanhalle, Cologne © Anna Witt, Chorweiler Beat, installation view, Simultanhalle Cologne, 2016

  • Simultanhalle_Kuratorium Simultanhalle Kuratorium

  • To_make_you_feel_comfortable_Final17 To make you feel comfortable Final17

  • Simultanhalle, Pressefoto Simultanhalle, Pressefoto

  • simultanhalle_LOGO .

The German art scene is characterized not only by many renowned artists and large institutions, but also by a lively, rapidly developing landscape of self-organized, non-profit art spaces. These initiatives can provide an important impulse for museums and exhibition spaces in the development of future programs, yet they are virtually unknown in Moscow. 

“Space for Art”, a joint project of the Goethe-Institute and the Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMOMA), seeks to remedy this situation. Until the end of 2018, the museum’s new educational center at Yermolaevsky Pereulok will host a space for the presentation of independent art spaces from Germany. The invitees are project spaces with different modes of self-organization, differing financial structures, and conceptual frameworks that are potentially both interesting and beneficial for the local context. The participating art spaces will develop their respective programs over a period of three months and thus open up a dialogue with other initiatives and artists from the Moscow art scene.

The series kicks off with “Simultanhalle” from Cologne, followed by “D21”, a project space from Leipzig, and will culminate in Berlin's “District” art space. They will present mobile programs that will be generated and developed on the spot, including exhibitions, performances, film screenings, and, in particular, discussions with representatives of the Moscow art scene. Alongside the presentation of art programs, “Space for Art” also focuses on various forms of and possibilities for self-organization in the arts, conceptual frameworks, funding issues, and interaction with other players and figures from the art scene.

