Film Screening
Gorillas under Stress

Goethe Institut

A film by Susanne Maria Krauss (Germany)

Goethe-Institut Kigali

Wild mountain gorillas can only be found in two small protected areas in Eastern Africa. Studies by international researchers show that the stress level of the animals is increasing. What are the limits of species protection and how do experts react to the new challenges? Is there really hope for the last mountain gorillas: Their number has risen to 1063! A success story of species protection. But can it go on like this? What happens if the population grows but its habitat does not?

Followed by a zoom-conversation with the filmmaker.

Susanne Maria Krauss studied journalism and sociology in Leipzig. Gorillas under Stress is her first long science documentary.


Goethe-Institut Kigali

13, Avenue Paul VI/KN 27 Street Kiyovu
P.B. 6889 Kigali