Limpe Fuchs Residency

Limpe Fuchs
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Künstlerin | © Limpe Fuchs

Madison Square Park

Drawing from an elaborate installation of acoustic instruments—pendelstrings, hardwood and granite stone rows, viola, voice, soprano timpani, cymbals and a variety of tube, metal and snare drums—Limpe Fuchs will transform her Prismatic Park stage into a sanctuary for sound. Through a series of spontaneous improvisations and studied compositions, interactive demonstrations of her instruments and scheduled workshops for players both trained and untrained, her presence will foster a fertile web of feedback between different people and musicians in contact with their own instruments or with hers.

As workshops are limited to 10 participants, please RSVP in advance to secure your spot. Workshop participants are invited to be part of in the final performance on Sunday, October 8; rehearsals will take place 2:00-4:00pm.

Tuesday, October 3
1:00pm Performance
3:00-4:00pm Workshop (RSVP limited to 10)

Wednesday, October 4
1:00pm Performance
3:00-4:00pm Workshop (RSVP limited to 10)
7:00pm Film screening & conversation at the Goethe-Institut

Thursday, October 5
1:00pm Performance
3:00-4:00pm Workshop (RSVP limited to 10)

Friday, October 6
1:00 Performance
3:00-4:00pm Workshop (RSVP limited to 10)

Sunday, October 8
4:00pm Final performance

Part of the Prismatic Park program with Limpe Fuchs, presented in collaboration with Blank Forms.

Limpe Fuchs is a German sound artist and instrument builder whose vibrant performances develop from a real time engagement with the ecology of the space at hand. Using wood and granite stone rows, ringing bronze within pendulum string instruments and employing the percussion, viola, and voice she studied at the Munich Conservatory, she sensitizes the process of hearing through an exploration of music-making as a part of everyday life. An original member of ‘70s Krautrock duo Anima Sound, Limpe and then-husband, sculptor Paul Fuchs embodied a radical form of free living, farming, and building instruments like the Fuchshorn, Fuchszither, and Fuchsbass at a professional metal workshop in their Pfarrhof—a thousand-year-old former priest house—in rural Bavaria. In 1971 they hitched a handmade mobile home and stage to an old Hanomag tractor and toured Europe bringing their anarchic, uncompromising improvisations to an impromptu public at 19 kilometers per hour. A champion of egalitarian performance, Limpe quit the group in the ‘80s when new experimental theatre work demanded agreement with more members and she felt that her voice was being compromised. Ever since she has devoted herself to “making music while listening to the streaming of time… with simplicity and emotion”, following the influence of soundscape artists. Whether improvising solo or with other players, Limpe unfailingly coaxes an otherworldly atmosphere from the sounds and silence of her surroundings with a childlike wonder, always open to surprise.


Madison Square Park


Preis: Kostenfreier Eintritt

+1 212 4398700
Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil der Veranstaltungsreihe Prismatic Park.

Anmeldung erforderlich für Workshopteilnahme