(Un)Certainties / (Un)Gewissheiten

(Un)Certainties / (Un)Gewissheiten Illustration: Tobias Schrank © Goethe-Institut

Was gestern noch als sicher galt, ist es heute nicht mehr. Geschichten über tiefgreifende Veränderungen, plötzliche Einsichten. Aber auch über tröstend Beständiges – gesammelt für den Ehrengastauftritt Deutschlands auf der Abu Dhabi International Book Fair im Mai 2022.

Pierre Jarawan © Pierre Jarawan

Pierre Jarawan, Munich
Yeki Bood

“The best, the oldest stories in the world have always begun the same way.”: thus begin Pierre Jarawan’s recollections of Beirut, a ‘city of coruscating contradictions’; recollections that are shot through and through not only with stories but also with silences. And questions ...

Salha Obeid © Salha Obeid

Salha Obeid, Abu Dhabi
Drowning or What The Narrators Did Not Tell About Sallamah and Her Daughters

Sallamah feels an urge to go out on the sea. She wants to dive for pearls like her father before her. Being a girl, she is mocked, her wishes ignored. Instead, she is married off. When pearl-fishers perish, the blame falls on Sallamah.

Olga Grjasnowa © Olga Grjasnowa

Olga Grjasnowa, Berlin
Of Penguins and Short Nights

Six-year-old Jasmin Knusperberg always wakes up before her parents. One Sunday morning she asks her sleepy parents to let her go swimming with dolphins – but it’s just a trick to disguise what she really wants to do.

Anke Kuhl © Anke Kuhl

Anke Kuhl, Frankfurt am Main
Blacky & Stupsi

Anke Kuhl once again recounts a children’s story that is not for the faint-hearted: Blacky, the black rabbit has to be separated from the other rabbits because it keeps biting them to the point of drawing blood. But Blacky gets a second chance ...

Nicol Ljubic © Nicol Ljubic

Nicol Ljubic, Berlin
A Story of How Love Will Find You – Everywhere

In the course of festivities in the streets of Vienna a doctor catches sight of a fascinating woman, but shies away from talking to her. He bumps into her again, they spend some time together – but there’s no future in it. Or is there perhaps?

Jörg Mühle © Jörg Mühle

Jörg Mühle, Frankfurt am Main
Two for Me, One for You

The bear and the weasel have a delicious meal in front of them - consisting of three mushrooms. But who’s to get two, and who’s to get one? They argue and argue, putting their friendship at risk, until suddenly ...

Moritz Rinke © Moritz Rinke

Moritz Rinke, Berlin
The Little Seal from Odessa

Moritz Rinke refracts the current reality of war through an everyday scenario – an encounter on a train involving two women, and a child reading a book about a seal that has to cope with a series of challenging adventures.
