Germany and Refugees:
Center for Political Beauty

Demonstrators dig mock graves in front of the Reichtstags © Zentrum für politische Schönheit
Demonstrators dig mock graves in front of the Reichtstag | © Zentrum für politische Schönheit

Goethe-Institut Los Angeles

The Center for Political Beauty is a self-proclaimed assault team that establishes moral beauty, political poetry and human greatness while aiming to preserve humanitarianism. The group’s basic understanding is that the legacy of the Holocaust is rendered void by political apathy, the rejection of refugees, and cowardice. It believes that Germany should not only learn from its history but also take action.
The Center‘s exhibitions and plays have been shown at Gorki Theatre, the 7th Berlin Biennale, ZKM Karlsruhe, Steirischer Herbst, NGBK, and HMKV, amongst others.
At the Goethe-Institut, The Center for Political Beauty's Artistic Directors Philip Ruch, and Cesy Leonard present a mulitimedia presentation and lead a discussion on their work. 

Following the Q&A with Philip Ruch and Cesy Leonard, Photographer Ina Jungmann will offer an introduction and tour through her exhibition CITY LIGHTS: Damascus 2011, currently on view at the Goethe-Institut.

A reception will follow the presentation.

With this series of events the Goethe-Institut in Los Angeles continues to investigates the challenges and chances Germany is facing vis-à-vis the current influx of refugees.
A year ago German chancellor Angela Merkel decreed European asylum rules void allowing tens of thousands of refugees to enter Germany without much vetting. It was a moral decision that earned Germany the reputation of a welcoming and open country and international acclaim for its “welcome culture”.  Mrs. Merkel vowed “wir schaffen das”, reminiscient of president Obama’s “Yes, we can”. Meanwhile, the situation looks much more dire, as right-wing populists gain ground and electoral votes not only in Germany, but all over Europe.


Philip Ruch is the artistic director and “chief negotiator of the Center for Political Beauty, which he founded in 2008. He studied political science and wrote his PhD thesis on “Honor and Revenge – A history of emotions in Roman Law”)
Ruch jolts the political Berlin by means of hyperrealistic performances, which at first exposes the decision makers and then forces them to act. For his objectives the theater stage is not enough. His stage is Berlin. Political conflict is not only meant to detonate, Ruch also anticipates solutions.

Cesy Leonard is the artist director of the planning commission, as well as the head of the film department at the Center for Political Beauty. The film “Schuld- die Barbarei Europas” (Guilt- The Barbarism of Europe) won the German Web video award in 2012.

$1 validated parking (for events only) on weekdays after 6:00 pm and all day on weekends in the Wilshire Courtyard West underground garage-P1.


Goethe-Institut Los Angeles

1901 W. 7th Str.
Suite A/B
Los Angeles, CA 90057

Language: in English
Price: Free with RSVP via Eventbrite
