Exhibit Opening

© Normcore


Transformer Exhibition Hours: Wednesday - Saturday, 12-6 pm & by appointment.

Transformer is proud to present NORMCORE  an immersive, site-specific exhibition, by contemporary Berlin-based artists Sascha Appelhoff & Lena von Goedeke.

Playing with the recently coined ‘normcore’ trend—a portmanteau of normal and hardcore—this exhibition & storefront installation confront this trend’s underlying concept of strictly adhering to rules and standards as a way of rebelling and standing out, by reflecting on the way in which ‘norms’ are commonly perceived in Europe as a stand-in for bureaucracy. Appelhoff & von Goedeke challenge this concept, and the cliché of the uptight rule-following German, through their own perception of the ‘norm’—in signs, sizes, and symbols—and by playing with the metric system in the USA, where none of these rules apply.

“If I take my sign language to describe a space, and the reader speaks a different one - what happens to space itself? “  - Sascha Appelhoff, Artist

NORMCORE is part of Transformer’s 2019 artistic partnership with Germany, taking place with support from the Wunderbar Together Year of German-American Friendship, and is presented in conjunction with Transformer's 16th Annual Silent Auction & Benefit Party, whose Diplomatic Chair this year is the German Ambassador Emily Haber. In addition to the back-to-back NORMCORE exhibition and normcore storefront installation at Transformer this fall, visiting German artists Sascha Appelhoff & Lena von Goedeke have curated a special selection of works by fellow emerging German artists to be featured in this year's auction, taking place October 26, 2019 at the GWU/Corcoran School of the Arts & Design.


Lena von Goedeke was born in Germany (1983) and graduated from Kunstakademie Duesseldorf and Kunstakademie Muenster in 2012. Her body of work consists of a wide variety of techniques and materials, as her main focus lies on the visualization of abstract scientific phenomena in a sensual and aesthetic way. Every chosen material or technique carries the problem and solution of a scientific issue in them, so her work often consists of only one matter dealing with its own properties. While her fragile and delicate handmade papercuts show the possibilities of describing a surface, a space or volume via digital imagery—polygon wireframes—her sculptures and installations are mainly site specific, often subtle, sometimes nearly invisible. Lena von Goedeke's work has been awarded several times and could be seen in Museum shows in Germany last year. She is being represented by Galerie m, Bochum and Bernhard Knaus Fine Art, Frankfurt.

Sascha Appelhoff (*1987, Germany) studied Fine Art at Kunstakademie Muenster and graduated with distinction. While he started as a painter, he developed a passion for the possibilities of silkscreen printing and digital imagery, which he understands as a natural extension of painting, just in a virtual world. He is crossing the line between reality and a virtual world constantly in the process of conceiving his wall prints or installations. A main topic is the never-ending potential of recycling imagery through print, fail and error. The process of the becoming of a shape, the planning, modeling, logistics and material properties are as important as the product itself. Sascha Appelhoff has exhibited in various art spaces through Germany and is running the independent art space HilbertRaum in Berlin.



1404 P Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005

Language: English
Price: Free Admission

+1 (202) 847-4707 info-washington@goethe.de
Part of series Normcore