Literature and Performance
The long poem for boundaries

© Goethe-Institut Hanoi

A Poetry & Music Performance by Chinh Ba

Goethe-Institut Hanoi

Poetry & Performance: CHINH BA
Music: Chinh Ba & Alex Schachner
VJ Artist: Linh Ha, Tong Khanh Ha
Installation: Chinh Ba
Sound equipment: Ếch Ếch Recording Studio
Duration | 90 min

F R O M  T H E  B E G I N N I N G . . .

I received a message from a friend in Gaza. It was a recording of bombing sounds. Blasting around places where he was staying. It was 2:00am on his side. I asked if he could send me a recording of the sound as he walked through the escape tunnel. He said it was very dangerous.
I start to write about border lines. Things I see do not belong to me. I see them with clear eyes throughout my whole journey. The border lines. I start writing about border lines. The things I see that do not belong to me. Everything is crystal clear throughout the my whole journey.
The boundaries.
Humans build Borders that humans create  to stop the attacks. It means they have no way to escape. They fall into their own traps. That's how I see the world. I see how conflicting it is when people try to create a dream of a heaven without borders, and then trap themselves in it. I see people worship humanism | when someone firesing at the immigrants. I see people around building up surreal walls painted by salivas and whispers, then erase them all at ease, like the way a drop of water vanishes before touching the ground... I see this so manyoften. And I write about me. I write about how I am living, how I am dealing with things I am creating, and seeing them being created. I do not write about the walls | TANGIBLE | being created.
I write about boundaries.


As a poetry performance artist from 2013 up to now, I expose myself to the emotional stratum by choosing the random arrangement of languages and different sound bands. The long poem for the boundaries is a confrontation between ideologies that are/being surrounded by walls separating the environment and society, as well as the ideologies. It is made up from sentences, words, from real sounds which my friends sent from the isolated country, from conflicts, from friends confined themselves and recorded the sounds they heard. They are from many parts of the world and Vietnam.
A 90-minute show featuring poetry, experimental music and a face- to-face space, confronting artists and attendees.



Goethe-Institut Hanoi

56-58-60 Nguyen-Thai-Hoc-Str., Ba Dinh

Language: Vietnamese only
Price: On invitation only (Due to social distancing rules)

+84 24 32004494
Part of series Culture Lab