Book presentation
Love flights and Summer lies by Bernhard Schlink

Literature Day in Ho Chi Minh City 2019
Photo: Goethe-Institut Hanoi

The world-famous bestselling author Bernhard Schlink writes straightforward about the big topics in life.
Translator Lê Quang presents two volumes of the author's story.

Cà phê thứ bảy trẻ (Ho Chi Minh City)

In Bernhard Schlink's short stories "Liebesfluchten", the title stands for the programme: Seven love stories about desire, closeness and loneliness. The protagonists plunge into love and out of love or flee from love.
Schlink's "Summer Lies" brings together life plans and riddles, love hopes and emotional illusions. In a simple and clear language Schlink creates contributions full of melancholy.
The translation into Vietnamese of “Summer Lies” was written by Lê Quang. In addition to this book, Lê Quang also translated Schlink's best-selling novel "The Reader" and "The Woman on the Stairway".

Bernhard Schlink
Alberto Venzago / © Diogenes Verlag
Bernhard Schlink (* 1944) was Professor of Public Law and Philosophy of Law at the Humboldt University, Berlin, until his retirement. He published crime novels and gained worldwide fame with his book "Der Vorleser".


Cà phê thứ bảy trẻ (Ho Chi Minh City)

264 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Str., District 3 (1st Floor)
Ho Chi Minh City

Language: German, Vietnamese
Price: Free admission

+84 28 38326716 - 14
Part of series German Literature during the European Literature Days 2019