Jazz concert
Europe meets Vietnam in Jazz

Jazz with Michael Schiefel and Friends.
Photo: Michael Schiefel and Friends.

Gala concert on the occasion of the Europe day of the European Union in Hanoi. Jazz with Michael Schiefel and friends.

Opera house Hanoi

On the occasion of the annual European day of the European Union on May 09, the three countries Italy, Poland and Germany invite to a gala concert at the Hanoi Opera House.
Coordinated by the Goethe-Institut Hanoi, the jazz musician Michael Schiefel, who was repeatedly praised by the German press as an exceptional phenomenon of the national jazz scene, brings with him to Vietnam the Italian drummer Davide Pasqualini, the jazz guitarist Gabriel Niedziela from Poland and German cellist Jörg Brinkmann. Alongside with the Vietnamese saxophonist Nguyen Bao Long and pianist Nguyen Huu Vuong, both from the group JumpforJazz, Europe and Vietnam will fuse into each other through jazz rhythms. The Gala concert sets an example for the multiculturalism of Jazz and will once again prove that music knows no language barriers.
Michael Schiefel Vocal │Nguyen Bao Long Saxophone │Davide Pasqualini Percussion │Gabriel Niedziela GuitarJörg Brinkmann Cello │Nguyen Huu Vuong Piano
Michael Schiefel (*1970) performs at concerts and festivals all over the world. During his shows, he experiments with his versatile voice and electronic loop devices. In addition to solo performances, Schiefel also enjoys being on stage with other musicians where he oscillates between Funk and Pop to Modern Jazz and Balkan Jazz.
Nguyen Bao Long
has been an active member of the Hanoian Jazz scene for almost 20 years and greatly influences the Vietnamese music world. In addition, the saxophonist works as a music teacher, organizes jazz events and plays in renowned orchestras. By founding the Band JumpforJazz in 2013, he wanted to give young musicians more visibility and the opportunity to play together.

Davide Pasqualini (*1978) is a drummer and percussionist. His repertoire ranges from Jazz to Latin American tunes and World Music. Beside the standard percussion, Pasqualini also masters African and Latin American instruments like the West African Djembé, the Brasilian Caxixi or the Nigerian Udu drum.

Gabriel Niedziela (*1987) graduated in 2011 at the Karol Szymanowski Jazz Academy for Music (Katowice, Polen). The pianist is a well-regarded sideman for a wide variety of projects, for example in jazz theatre. Niedziela already performed at grand festivals in Poland, Austria, Slovakia and Georgia.

Jörg Brinkmann (* 1976) is one of the best "crossover" cellists in the world. He has developed a distinctive personal sound and expands the possibilities of the cello in his own way. He uses his Cello as a lyrical melody and solo instrument, as a bass as well as a guitar. He also extended his range of sounds through the use of electronica.

Nguyen Huu Vuong, alumnus of the “Vietnam National Academy of Music”, has been a member of the rock band Ngu Cung as well as the group JumpforJazz. The pianist has already performed on big festivals like “Rockstorm” and “Music Space” and he currently works for the ensemble of the Thang Long Theater.


Opera house Hanoi

Trang Tien Str. 1
Hanoi 100000

Price: Free tickets for the concerts in Hanoi are available from 05.05.2016 at Goethe-Institut Hanoi (from 9 am) and Delegation of the European Union (Registration only via Facebook).

+84 4 37342251 - Ext. 36 kimchung.pham@hanoi.goethe.org