Video project

Sound of X
Photo: Goethe-Institut/Bernhard Ludewig

Open Call
The Goethe-Institut in Ho Chi Minh City invites local artists to participate in “Sound of Ho Chi Minh City”. The series “Sound of X” is a video project, which focuses on sounds, the visualization of music and the presentation of a place. People with musical and visual interests are invited to show their individual perspective of a city. The results will be distributed globally through the networks and social media channels of the Goethe-Institut worldwide.
Concept + Format
Local artists from Germany and South East Asia, New Zealand and Australia show their view of a city in the form of a short two to four-minute music video, without words, only with recorded sounds and visuals. The productions should create a visual soundscape, a personal perspective of how the artist perceives and experiences his or her immediate environment. The aim is to present the cultural diversity and heterogeneity of different localities in a regional and global context in order to form a musical collage.
The music video may be colorful, creative, funny, innovative, emotional and personal. In particular, we encourage artists who have an interest in displaying unusual perspectives on cities, critically questioning predominant images from the mainstream tourism or referring to alternative sound and image languages. The approach is process-oriented and ideally the creation process itself is shown in the music video.
This project lives from diversity. Nonetheless your production should fulfill certain criteria.

Timeline of the project

30. June 2019 Deadline for proposal submissions
5. July 2019 Goethe-Institut chooses artists and invites them to personal meetings
8. –10. July 2019 Concept meeting between Goethe-Institut and potential partners based on proposals
12. July 2019 Confirmation of partners and project details → Start of production
July – August 2019 Production, post-production and updates to Goethe-Institut (including previews from production to post-production stages)
November 2019 Release of videos

  1. 2-4 minutes music video which can be distributed on social media platforms.
  2. Unusual perspectives on the city.
  3. Music and visuals relate to each other and show clearly identifiable places.
  4. The audio and video footage must be recorded locally and can be sampled or remixed.
  5. High artistic quality in music and visual realization.
  6. No verbal contextualization (no speech or text).
  7. The aesthetic and conceptual development process becomes 'visible' in the video.
  8. If possible, transferability of the music piece to a live performance .
Music and video become a sound-musical collage contextualized by visuals, representing a view of the urban and cultural environments of the city. The video creates an emotional immersion, so that a direct access is created – without a language barrier. The artists are free in the creative creation. They coordinate the production themselves in close cooperation with the Goethe-Institut in Ho Chi Minh City.

Please include in your proposal:
  • Concept.
  • Work samples (including audio and visual works) that support understanding your concept.
  • Production schedule (based on the below segment “Timeline of the project”).
  • Budget breakdown (refer to below segment “Budget”).
  • Profiles, CVs and roles of participating artists.
This can be a solo, duo or group proposal. Please send your proposal via e-mail to Ms. Lan Nguyen (contact see below)
The production budget provided is 50,000,000 VND.
Contact person at Goethe-Institut Ho Chi Minh City:

Ms. Lan Nguyen
Goethe-Institut Ho Chi Minh City 
18, Str. 1, Cu Xa Do Thanh 
Ward 4, District 3, HCMC, Vietnam
Tel.: +84 28 38 326 716, Ext. 14
Sources of Inspiration: Ownership and project closure:
The project is participatory and collaborative. The documentation of the production (e.g. editions, concept revisions) and copies of the works are required for storage by the Goethe-Institut at the end of the project.
The Goethe-Institut and collaborating artists will share the rights to the works, with the understanding that both parties will keep each other informed on the uses of the works. However, Goethe-Institut reserves the right to be the first publishing the production.
The Goethe-Institut will release the videos on the official website and social media platforms. The Goethe-Institut worldwide, in their respective countries, could use the videos as a starting point for an international initiative. Using exclusively musical and visual forms, we hope the web videos would encourage intercultural dialogue and understanding.
About Goethe-Institut:     
The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with a global reach. The institution promotes knowledge of the German language abroad and fosters international cultural cooperation. It conveys a comprehensive image of Germany by providing information about cultural, social and political life in the nation. Its cultural and educational programmes encourage intercultural dialogue and enable cultural involvement.


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