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Goethe-Institut career © Colourbox


We are characterised by diversity, inquisitiveness and openness. The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with a global reach. We promote knowledge of the German language abroad and foster international cultural cooperation. We convey a comprehensive and up-to-date picture of Germany and provide information on Germany’s cultural, social and political life.

Current job opportunities

Application deadline: August 04, 2024
Financial monitoring and accounting for the project “African Feminisms - Rights, Representation and Resources” in the Sub-Saharan Africa region

The Goethe-Institut South Africa (Johannesburg) is looking for a committed employee for the period from 01.09.2024 until 31.12.2026 for the financial monitoring and booking department for the special funding project “African Feminisms - Rights, Representation and Resources” within the framework of the ZANMO funding concept of the Federal Foreign Office with a scope of employment of 50% = 20 hours per week.

Bewerbungsfrist: 22 July 2024
Marketing Specialist

The Goethe-Institut South Africa is looking for a dedicated staff member for the Information Department (75%) from the 01.09.2024 for a limited period until 31.08.2026.

Verwaltungsassistenz für Vorintegration Projekt in der Sprachabteilung

Please note that this job ad is published in German only, as good proficiency of German is required to apply.
Das Goethe-Institut Südafrika sucht zum 10. Juni 2024 bis zum 29. November 2024 eine*n Verwaltungsassistent*in (m/w/d) auf Honorarbasis, mit der Option auf Verlängerung. Der Beschäftigungsumfang beträgt bis zu 15 Stunden pro Woche je nach Bedarf.

Sachbearbeitung auf Honorarbasis als Vertretung in der Sprachabteilung

Das Goethe-Institut Südafrika sucht zum 01. September 2023 oder später befristet bis zum 30. Mai 2024 eine*n Sachbearbeiter*in (m/w/d) auf Honorarbasis als Vertretung in der Sprachabteilung. Please note that this job ad is published in German only, as intermediate proficiency of German is required to apply.

Das Goethe-Institut sucht auf Honorarbasis eine*n Trainer*in für interkulturelle Kurse.
Please note that this job ad is published in German only, as an excellent proficiency of German is required to apply.

Freelance German Teachers for children’s and youth courses

The Goethe-Institut is looking for freelance German Teachers for its children’s and youth courses to join us in the Language Department. This freelance position requires excellent German and is therefore advertised in German. 

Freelance German Teachers

The Goethe-Institut is looking for freelance German Teachers for its online and on-site courses to join us in the Language Department. This freelance position requires excellent German and is therefore advertised in German. 

Participants wanted

Please note that this skill enhancement training is aimed at German teachers and is advertised in German as a consequence.


Students who are either nearing completion or have recently completed their studies are welcome to apply for an internship at the Goethe-Institut Johannesburg. Find out about our requirements, the various departments and their scope of work, and available positions.
