Illustration: © Tetiana Kostyk for Goethe-Institut Prag

PERSPECTIVES. One Europe, many Stories.

PERSPECTIVES is the new label for multi-perspective and constructive journalism.
Co-financed by the European Union, PERSPECTIVES brings together journalists from the Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania and Ukraine. We collaborate in our international Newsroom to bring you content that matters across borders.

Editorial independence and accountability are of key importance in our work and two of the main principles included in our editorial guidelines that encompass our common vision and stardards of ethical and high-quality journalism.
So if you want stories around current European affairs and a kind of journalism that inspires constructive debates and action, then PERSPECTIVES is exactly for you!

↓ Topic of the Month
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PERSPECTIVES Topic of the Month

Every month, the members of the PERSPECTIVES Newsroom select a TOPIC OF THE MONTH. This month, we are zooming in on the topic of EU Elections 2024 and provide you multi-language and multi-perspective stories on that topic. To find out more about the thematic spectrum that PERSPECTIVES covers, have a look at our Key Topics.
All content pieces published under the PERSPECTIVES label can be found on the websites of our partners.

EU Elections 2024


The European Union after the Elections: All roads lead to the right

Commentary on the results of the European elections. The author is thinking about what opportunities for cooperation the leader of the European Commission von der Leyen has. However, regardless of where she finds her majority, the future of the Union seems to be heading to the right at the moment.

Original Article in Slovakian language: Európska únia po voľbách: Všetky cesty vedú doprava  
by Oliver Cipov for Kapitál
Read the Article at Kapitál

Euroscepticism in Lithuania: An Interview with Sociologist Vladas Gaidys

In a revealing interview with journalist Rytas Staselis, Vladas Gaidys, head of the Public Opinion and Market Research Center, shares his perspective on the upcoming European Parliament elections. Contrary to the growing euroscepticism seen across Europe, Gaidys believes such political forces have limited prospects in Lithuania. He reflects on a past controversy over EU migrant quotas to underscore the complexity of EU discourse in Lithuania, where strong Europhilic tendencies persist despite occasional dissent. Gaidys's insights offer a nuanced view of why Lithuania remains steadfast in its support for the European Union.

Article in Lithuanian language: Euroskepticizmas Lietuvoje: interviu su sociologu Vladu Gaidžiu
by Rytas Staselis for 
Read the Article at


Be careful with the wishes!

After years of passivity, the European debate has arrived in Slovakia. A significantly higher voter turnout can be expected ahead of the fifth European elections in which the Slovakians are taking part. Eurosceptic forces could benefit.A comment by Peter Tkačenko.

Article in German language: Vorsicht mit den Wünschen!
by Peter Tkačenko for JÁDU
(also available in Slovakian Original & Ukrainian)
Read the Article at JÁDU


On the front line in the information war – Gagauzia in the Republic of Moldova

The Republic of Moldova is striving to join the EU. However, pro-Kremlin politicians in the autonomous territory of Gagauzia are trying to prevent the country's EU integration with disinformation. They are receiving direct support from Moscow. There are Gagauz journalists who are fighting back, despite intimidation and hostility.

Original Article in German language: An der Frontlinie im Informationskrieg
by Young Reporter Yelizaveta Landenberger for JÁDU
(also available in Slovakian & Ukrainian)
Read the Article at JÁDU


What's going on in the digital information space?

Election campaigns also take place online. In the highly polarised Slovakian society, political players are aware of how important it is to shape debates in the digital space. Information security expert Tomáš Kriššák describes which issues could be decisive in Slovakia's elections.

Article in German language: An der Frontlinie im Informationskrieg
by Tomáš Kriššák for JÁDU
(also available in Slovakian Original & Ukrainian)
Read the Article at JÁDU


Between Moscow and Euroscepticism - Ukraine and the European elections

To what extent do anti-European political parties pose a threat to Ukraine and a united Europe, and what dangers could the elections to the European Parliament hold for Ukraine's European integration? We asked experts.

Article in German language: Zwischen Moskau und Euroskepsis
by Oleksandr Kurylenko for JÁDU
(also available in Slovakian & Ukrainian Original)
Read the Article at JÁDU


In the head of a first-time voter who wants to vote

The elections to the EuropeanParliament could attract a record number of voters to thepolls, including the youngest age group. Who the first-time voters vote for is more likely to be influenced by theirparents thanpoliticians. The author of the reportage talked to youngpeople about their motivation to vote.

Original Article in Slovakian language: V hlaveprvovoliča, ktorý chce voliť  
by Miroslava Grman for Kapitál
Read the Article at Kapitál 


Why the Tusk electorate may feel cheated?

After 20 years of EU membership,Poland is considered one of the most Euro-enthusiastic societies in the community. Theproblem lies in the fact that this enthusiasm may be rather superficial, largely due topoliticians reducing it to financial benefits for thePolish economy over the years.

Original Article in Slovakian language: Voľby do EÚ:Prečo sa voličstvo Tuska môže cítiťpodvedené?  
by Jakub Bodziony for Kapitál
Read the Article at Kapitál 


The time has come to start taking Euroscepticism seriously

Current surveys andprojections indicate the historical success ofpolitical groups outside the so-called of the grand coalition, formed by theparties of the European mainstream, in the upcoming elections to the EuropeanParliament. A successful result would confirm the trend of the Euroscepticparties, especially the right-wing ones, of the last two decades, during which they managed to double their support. Growing right-wing Euroscepticism cannot be reduced only to a rejection of the idea of European integration. This increase is a symptom ofpublic dissatisfaction with thepolitical and institutional development of the Union over thepast thirty years. Thepro-European spectrum lacks a strategy to reverse this trend.

Original Article in Slovakian language: Nastal čas začať brať euroskepticizmus vážne  
by Oliver Cipov for Kapitál
Read the Article at Kapitál 


Campaign for European elections? The Czech Republic is already living through elections to the House of Representatives

Kapitál is preparing a series of articles about the European elections. In this commentary, the author maps the situation before the elections in the Czech Republic and compares it with Slovakia. Government parties in the Czech Republic are trying to mobilize in a campaign against the figure of Andrej Babiš. They sometimes help each other by comparing him with Putin or by referring to current events in Slovakia.

Original Article in Slovakian language: Kampaň pro eurovolby? Česko už žije volbami do sněmovny  
by Vojtěch Petrů for Kapitál
Read the Article at Kapitál 


In an effort to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the diverse perspectives and experiences across Europe, our PERSPECTIVES Newsroom frequently conducts surveys concerning the topics we cover with our label.


EU Elections 2024

Eurosceptic parties

Eurosceptic parties are expected to gain more seats in the next European Parliament

  • Can such groups expect an increase in support in your country as well, and if so, why?

Survey in English language by PERSPECTIVES Newsroom

Pressure to be successful in the media sector

Let’s shatter the romanticizing around journalism

With the launch of our latest topic of the month, the PERSPECTIVES editorial team conducted another transnational survey. Together they looked into the question of how the pressure to be successful affects the work culture in the media sector. 

  • How does the pressure to be successful affect the work culture in the media sector?

Survey in English language by PERSPECTIVES Newsroom

Safety and Security

Central Europe’s security two years into Russia's war in Ukraine

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has radically changed the security climate in Eastern and Central Europe. We asked local experts from Lithuania, Germany, Czech Republic and Slovakia to learn more about this new reality as we approached the second anniversary of February 24. 
The questions for the experts were these:

  • Which steps were taken towards strengthening the security of your country since Russia‘s full-scale invasion of Ukraine? 
  • Which steps are planned to be taken in the future and how are these changes affecting your society? 

Survey in English language by PERSPECTIVES Newsroom


Our Way of Life is Unsustainable

The economic competitiveness is one of the main causes of the deepening climate crisis. Despite this knowledge, global capitalism still forces us to constantly accumulate capital and expand. This way of our existence is environmentally and economically unsustainable. In our survey of the month, we approached experts from our partner countries with two questions on the topic of sustainability:

  • Is climate sustainability compatible with economic competitiveness? And should we even be concerned with such a dilemma?
  • How to make the debate about the European Green deal “sexier”?

Survey in English language by PERSPECTIVES Newsroom

Threats to Democracy

How can constructive journalism help in fighting populism?

Media plays a significant role in shaping public opinion, and biased reporting can contribute to societal polarization by reinforcing populist beliefs and perspectives. Conversely, constructive journalism strives for a more balanced portrayal of reality. It aims to steer away from sensationalism and fear-driven narratives and promotes a more optimistic and hopeful approach to news reporting. As such, we asked the members of our international Newsroom:

  • How can constructive journalism help in fighting populism?

Survey in English language by PERSPECTIVES Newsroom 


Solving the housing crisis – but how?

Affordable, dignified, and adequate housing is particularly (but not exclusively) scarce in urban centers across Europe. The affected groups are primarily those with lower incomes, such as younger generations or individuals marginalized for various reasons. It quickly became apparent to us in the PERSPECTIVES Newsroom that the housing crisis requires our collective attention and innovative solutions. To showcase the many dimensions of the housing issue, we conducted a joint Europe-wide survey. We sought input from experts in politics, academia, the private sector, and citizen initiatives and asked:

  • In your opinion, what specific measures should be taken to address the housing crisis in your country/city?

Survey in English language by PERSPECTIVES Newsroom 
In German language the Article is offered at Jádu 
(also available in Slovakian, Czech & Ukrainian)

Young Reporters

The PERSPECTIVES editorial network has been working with Young Reporters, aspiring journalists who want to get hands-on experience in writing about transnational topics that matter to young people across Europe. This is what they have been working on...


Leave to come back. On the way to Ukraine with the Lithuanian Humanitarian Aid Mission

There are Lithuanians who regularly transport humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Last June, NARA junior reporter joined one of these crews: the Lithuanian Rifle Union Ukraine Support Group (PUG). This is her diary.

Original Essay in Lithuanian language: Išvažiuoti, kad sugrįžtum. Kelyje į Ukrainą su Lietuvos humanitarinės pagalbos misija 
by­ Young Reporter Marie-Line Deleye for NARA
Read the Article at NARA

revue Prostor

Confessions of a Nation's Elite

Gymnasiums are considered to be the most prestigious fields of study to be found among Czech secondary schools. However, as many an overcrowded gymnasium student will tell you, they also have their downsides, which are not talked about as much. What are they? And how would the students themselves change them?

Original Article in Czech language: Rusko přetvořilo Krym na vojenskou základnu    
by Young Reporter Marika Staňková for revue Prostor 
Read the Article at revue Prostor

Not Going to University – Heading to Vocational School’ – A Myth! The Revival of Vocational Schools in Lithuania

In the fast-paced rhythm of modern life, educational choices are evolving. As the stigma surrounding vocational schools wanes, a growing number of individuals with higher education backgrounds are opting for vocational training in Lithuania. Through diverse narratives, we explore the success stories of those who have chosen this path, showcasing the transformative power and inclusive nature of vocational education in today's society.

Article in Lithuanian language: Nesimokysi – keliausi į profkę“ – mitas! Profesinių mokyklų atgimimas Lietuvoje
by Young Reporter Aiste Kačkyte for 
Read the Article at

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD): A Severe Condition Women Still Choose to Endure

Explore the Hidden Reality of PMDD: A Radio Story by Aistė Kačkytė. Discover the lesser-known yet severe condition affecting millions of women globally. PMDD isn't just your typical PMS; it brings extreme emotional states, even suicidal thoughts. Through insightful discussions with psychiatric and gynecological experts, we unveil the complexities of this misunderstood disorder. Delve into non-drug treatments and essential support resources. It's time to shed light on PMDD and prioritize women's health.

Article in Lithuanian language: Priešmenstruacinis disforinis sindromas(PMDS): sunki būsena, kurią moterys vis dar renkasi kentėti
by Young Reporter Aiste Kačkyte for 
Read the Article at

revue Prostor

Testimony from the apprentices. Are the golden hands waiting for the golden times?

In the Czech Republic, apprenticeships evoke conflicting passions. The “dumber” ones go to “apprenticeships”, lower wages in the future are fine because “they should have learned better”, on the other hand “golden Czech hands” still have their “golden bottom” in the craft and “in general there are actually few craftsmen”. Manual workers are often noticed on purpose, we don't address their conditions, why some apprentices go to factories, who can afford to work “on their own” or why the situation is worse in the peripheries.

Original Article in Czech language: Svědectví z učňáků. Čekají zlaté ručičky také zlaté časy?    
by Young Reporters Olga Wawracz and Jiří Šimčík for revue Prostor 
Read the Article at revue Prostor


Strong despite exile – Portrait series of three Ukrainian women

Since 24 February 2022, millions of Ukrainians have experienced first-hand what war and flight mean. In exile, they have to overcome many challenges and rebuild their lives. This takes a lot of strength. The three Ukrainian refugees featured in this series live in Warsaw, Berlin and Prague. They have experienced – and continue to experience – change and continuity in their identities at the same time. JÁDU author Daryna Melashenko met them.

Original Article in German language: Stark trotz Exil – eine Porträtserie von drei ukrainischen Frauen
by Young Reporter Daryna Melashenko for JÁDU
(also available in Ukrainian Original & translation to Czech)
Read the Article at JÁDU


Our culture is not only “Slovak and no other”

The reportage about the Muslim community was created during the so-called Iftar - a joint dinner in the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. In it, the author talks to her hosts about migration policy, their life in Turkey and Slovakia. How to integrate into a new culture and at the same time not give up the one from which one comes?

Original Article in Slovakian language: Naša kultúra nie je len „slovenská a žiadna iná“  
by­ Young Reporter Eva Štefanková for Kapitál
Read the Article at Kapitál 


If I stop taking, I will die within six months

Eva, Helena and Banán almost fell to the bottom due to drug addiction, but thanks to the help of the non-profit sector, they found a way to reintegrate into society. Today, all three work in a company that helps people break free from addictions and return to full functioning. What is it like to help people with similar fates?

Original Article in Slovakian language: Keby som prestal brať, do pol roka umriem  
by­ Young Reporter Eva Štefanková for Kapitál
Read the Article at Kapitál 


The biggest problem is the feeling of shame

Supervised drug use helps reduce the risks of problematic use of illegal substances, as long-term research shows. In localities where application rooms are created, crime and the number of people who use drugs in public are decreasing. We found out what practice looks like in Brno and Paris.  

Original Article in Slovakian language: Najväčším problémom je pocit hanby 
by­ Young Reporter Eva Štefanková for Kapitál
Read the Article at Kapitál


Housing is not only a commodity, but also a right

Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, is moving towards greater spatial segregation. Every new urban development in the city project contributes to this. This conversation with sociologist Tadas Šarūnas is an invitation to reflect on what kind of social reality exists in the city of Vilnius and how it affects the state of Lithuania's democracy.

Original Article in Lithuanian language: Būstas yra ne tik prekė, bet ir teisė. Apie Vilniaus kaitą su sociologu Tadu Šarūnu 
by­ Young Reporter Austėja Pūraitė for NARA
Read the Article at NARA


Breathing in the meadow air, I return to Onuškis

A Lithuanian-Canadian writer reflects on his connection with a Lithuanian village he was visiting every summer as he was growing up. What remains when the village is slowly disappearing?

Original Article in Lithuanian language: Pievų oro įkvėpimu iš Monrealio grįžtu į Onuškį 
by­ Young Reporter Jonas Baltakis for NARA
Read the Article at NARA


Greenwashing in Hungary – Toxic pollution from electric car battery factories

With the green transformation and the move away from fossil fuels, demand for electric cars is on the rise. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán wants to make Hungary the leading producer of electric car batteries in Europe. His plans are facing opposition from local residents.

Article in German language: Toxische Belastung durch Fabriken für Elektroauto-Batterien
by Young Reporter Johana Černochová for JÁDU
(also available in Czech Original)
Read the Article at JÁDU
