Four Questions

How should/can we talk about smart city and urban transformation beyond technology and infrastructure?

My perspective is that transformation needs to be intentional. Concepts such as the smart city are essentially solutions – so it begs the question – what problem are we solving? Currently, we have no shortage of wicked problems; chief of which is ecologically, socially, and economically unsustainable practices.
To move the conversation on smart cities and urban transformation beyond technology and infrastructure, we will have to view these ideas by asking ourselves if they advance us towards a more sustainable world. Let us challenge smart cities to regenerate the natural environment rather than diminish it? Facilitate urban transformation that bridges racial/economic divides instead of increasing exclusivity? Incentivize sustainable economic models built on circularity rather than linearity.

Please share your expert prediction or utopian view of the city of the future.

My view is that there will not, and should not, be a “set template” for a city of the future. Every city will need to find its own way to live in ecological, social, and economic harmony – such that it maximises the ability of its communities to pursue a purposeful and meaningful life.