Estonia - Tartu
- Organiser: Tartu 2024
- Residency partner: TYPA - centre for letterpress, printmaking, bookbinding and paper art
- Duration of residency: 8th of July to 4th of August (1 month)
- Financial contribution: 1.500 EUR (fixed; this includes living costs for 1 month and IPRs
- Travel costs: 400 EUR (up to given limit - based on real costs; one round trip)
- Accommodation, studio & facilities for creative work: provided by residency partner
- Residency partner statement: Tartu, the oldest town in the Baltics, is known for its groundbreaking University, strong-rooted cultural traditions, and use of smart city solutions. The concept of Tartu 2024 is Arts of Survival, and its addressing burning topics like the effect of human activity on the climate crisis, social inequality, mental health problems, or the sustainability of small towns and rural areas. The outcome of the residency programme should be sustainably produced and well connected with the creative concept of the Arts of Survival and the theme of bicycle culture and sustainable transport.
- Outcome Focus: exhibition, intervention in public space, workshops.
Application form