This website is called "Deutsch für dich".
Here you can practice German for free.
This website is called “German for you”.
The website “German for you” is from the Goethe Institute.
On "Deutsch für dich" you can learn German for free.
That means:
You don't have to pay any money.
You just have to create an account.
Then you are a "Deutsch für dich" member.
There are over 200 exercises.
The exercises are:
and difficult.
On "Deutsch für dich" you can exchange ideas:
With German teachers.
With German learners.
This is what you can do here:
Chat with other members.
Write a message to other members.
Write in a forum.
Start a group.
"Deutsch für dich" is for everyone around the world.
People sign up to Deutsch für dich Then you are a member.
On “German for you” many members cannot speak German.
The members learn German here.
On “German for you” some members speak German well.
These members are teachers of German.
The teachers help the other members to learn German.
There are a lot of exercises on “Deutsch für dich”.
The “Deutsch für dich” team revises these.
This keeps the exercises up to date.
The exercises have specific topics:
For example, “sports”.
You can practice different skills:
For example, writing or listening.
The exercises have different forms:
For example, questions with many correct answers.
Or questions with only one correct answer.
You learn with different media.
For example with:
Podcasts to listen to,
Videos to watch,
and texts to read.
There is a large "Deutsch für dich" community.
A community is an online community.
The community is constantly growing.
You can contact other "Deutsch für dich" members:
You click on this link: Register.
There you create a member account.
This is how it works:
You need your own email address.
You enter the email address in the "Email" field.
You need a name for "Deutsch für dich".
Enter the name in the "User name" field.
Which country do you currently live in?
Enter the country in the "Country/Region" field.
Enter a password in the "Password" field.
You choose the password yourself.
Remember your password well.
You always need the password to log in.
You have now filled in all the fields.
Now click on "Register".
You will now receive an email in your email inbox.
Go to your inbox.
Click on the link in the email from Deutsch für dich.
You will return to the "Deutsch für dich" website.
Enter your email again
And enter your password again. You are now registered with Deutsch für dich.
Whenever you register, you only need to provide:
Your email address
And your password.
Why is a good password important?
You can see this under this link:
Because language and culture are important.
Language and culture connect people.
Can people speak to each other?
And do people know the culture of other people?
Then people can understand each other better.
The Goethe-Institut has been around for over 70 years.
The Goethe-Institut is an association.
The association cooperates with the federal government of Germany.