Ralph Krüger: 17 Nov. 2022, 12:00 (IST)
Neural Machine Translation

On the Potential Influence of Neural Machine Translation on Foreign Language Teaching

Language: German

This paper begins with a recap on the “degree of digitization” of various natural languages and on historical developments in machine translation quality, followed by an exposition of how neural machine translation (NMT) functions and how well it currently works for various language combinations. After a brief look at other AI technologies that are relevant to foreign language learning (machine interpreting, automatic text summarization and optimization), Krüger shows which of the language skills and competencies listed in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) can already be covered by powerful NMT systems and other AI language technologies, and discusses the ramifications of these new technologies for the future of foreign language learning.

Prof. Dr. Ralph Krüger did his PhD in translation studies at the University of Salford (UK) in 2014, and has been working since 2016 as a professor of language and translation technology at the TH Cologne’s Institute of Translation and Multilingual Communication. His current research focuses on neural machine translation capability in the professional technical/specialist translation process and on the theoretical modelling and teaching of MT competence to Bachelor’s and Master’s students of translation and communication studies.

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