Children are able to behave pragmatically in an environment that is linguistically foreign to them. Even if they cannot communicate yet in the new language, they sense that it is language that helps to interact with others.
Children are able to behave pragmatically in an environment that is linguistically foreign to them. Even if they cannot communicate yet in the new language, they sense that it is language that helps to interact with others. When their interest is sparked through interacting with other children, for example, they will learn quickly and will enter the educational process. They learn a new language. Language role models and interesting and child-friendly activities can awaken this interest and inspire children.
Deutsch für Kinder: frühe Mehrsprachigkeit (deutsch)
Hans the rabbit, the central figure in our other German as a Foreign Language projects in elementary school, goes for a walk in the forest and meets many ants.
This animated book for children from 4 years old contains 12 drawings in DIN-A4 format with illustrated texts in four languages about the life and work of ants.