"As in music, rhythm is very important in pronunciation...", says Mario at the beginning of Tutorial 5 and he is right: every language has its own sound. It differs from other languages through special pronunciation features and typical rhythms. Foreign language teaching is therefore not only about learning grammar, sentence structure rules and new words, but also about pronunciation.
The most striking feature of the pronunciation tutorials "Mario and the Muckemakers" is, of course, the music. We all know that music has a particularly motivating effect and can mobilise the cognitive potential of our learners, especially via the emotional level. Music stimulates, brings variety into the classroom and promotes holistic learning. The typical sound of the German language can be learned almost incidentally. The songs of the Muckemacher are also authentic music. They were written by the band - independently of the pronunciation tutorials - for children and families. Thus, the modern videos also open a window into the new culture and build an intercultural bridge directly into your classroom.
Tutorial #1 Ich und Ach, Tutorial #2 Vokale, Tutorial #3 e-Laute, Tutorial #4 Wortakzent, Tutorial #5 Rhythmus, Tutorial #6 Konsonanten, Tutorial #7 Knacklaut und Hauchlaut “H“, Tutorial #8 R-Laut, Tutorial #9 Melodie, Tutorial #10 Umlaute, Tutorial #11 Diphthonge, Tutorial #12 Satzakzent.
Tutorials und Arbeitsblätter (mit Liedtexten)
Youtube-Playlist (UT Deutsch, Italienisch, Englisch)