The project was realized in 2017-2018 at the Goethe-Institut in Hungary with the aim of strengthening the practical orientation in university education.
Authors: Dr. Edit Morvai, Bernadett Veress
Project management: Ilka Seltmann
Proof-reading: Dr. habil. Éva Márkus
Language editor: Dorothee Lehr-Balló
Testing: Tünde Sárvári (JATE, Szeged), Dorothee Lehr-Balló (ELTE TÓK, Budapest)
Graphic design: Zoltán Kerekes
The project was financed with funds from the German-Hungarian ELBE Foundation. We thank Emőke Freifrau von Puttkamer, a committed advocate of early multilingualism, for her generous support.