How exactly do the European institutions work and what role does the EU play in my everyday life? On this platform find answers to these and many other questions.
#Entdecke Europa in particular, it is aimed at young people and young adults in order to provide them with important content on the functioning and functioning of the European Union and its institutions. The platform therefore refrains from long texts and explanations and instead uses interactive building blocks such as video and audio sequences to bring young people to the EU in a dynamic way.
The fictional characters Emma and Paul take users on a journey of discovery through Brussels, explaining fundamentals about the functioning of the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, as well as historical milestones and current issues. The participants of the virtual journey get to know staff and members of the European Institutions and their work in person. Finally, they can put their knowledge to the test in a quiz.
The offer is conceived in such a way that the three EU institutions can be visited virtually within a 45-minute school hour. The aim of the project is to make clear to young people and young adults the connection of the European Union to their own reality of life. The platform gives an overview of the EU system and aims to encourage users to engage and contribute independently with the European Union. There is also
anaccompanying booklet for supervising educators, whichprovides an introduction to the topic and structure of the offer and contains further documents for preparation and follow-up.