Opening Event – Feminist Resistance through the Arts

Teaserbild Eröffnung © Nabila Horakhsh
19. May
7:00 PM-8:30 PM
Welcome and introduction by Carola Lentz (President of the Goethe-Institut) & Johannes Ebert (Secretary General of the Goethe-Institut)

All over the world, women are protesting for their rights and against violence. They are fighting back against social injustices and taking a stand against repressive systems. Indian author, publisher and activist Urvashi Butalia is interested in how women’s protests occupy public space. She examines the aesthetics of women’s protest movements in India and Pakistan. Chicago-based artist Aram Han Sifuentes leads workshops on how to make protest banners. More than 600 of these banners are now available at Protest Banner Lending Libraries in numerous US cities. Nabila Horakhsh, a visual artist from Afghanistan who recently moved to Germany, also sees her artistic work as a medium of resistance. She feels closely connected to her community of Afghan women artists who still live there or elsewhere and whose artistic practices are also acts of resistance against the regime. As the festival’s opening event, these three activists will talk about what they have in common as well as their individual contexts.  

Artistic contributions from Indian poet Sabika Abbas and Bangladeshi singer Farzana Wahid, aka Shayan. 

Pre-registration is required for the Opening Event. Click here to register.


Urvashi Butalia © private
Aram Han Sifuentes © Sarah Whyte
Sabika Abbas © Vicky Roy
Farzana Wahid Shayan © Zannatul Moumita
Nabila Horakhsh © Berang Arts
Carola Lentz © Goethe-Institut / Loredana La Rocca
Johannes Ebert © Martin Ebert
Image Catherine Newmark © Johanna Ruebel
  • Format
  • Place
    Pfefferberg: Theater (Livestream)
  • Admission
  • Language
    German (Opening Speech), English with German Translation, German Sign Language
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