Podcast Series Foreign Correspondent Unplugged blue background, black and white picture of journalists, log with black mic Canva

Podcast Series
Foreign Correspondent Unplugged

Foreign Correspondent Unplugged is a series of thought-provoking discussions between journalists in cities around the United States, brought to you by the American Council on Germany and the Goethe-Institut. This transatlantic dialogue highlights how German and American journalists see political and social developments in their countries and around the world. Each conversation is published on the Foreign Correspondent Unplugged podcast, available wherever you get your podcasts.


Foreign Correspondent Unplugged with Charles Lane, Jacqueline Pfeffer Merrill, and René Pfister Portrait René Pfister: ©Maurice Weiss, Der Spiegel; Portrait Charles Lane: © Washington Post
Portraits of Susan B. Glasser and Julian Heißler with Foreign Correspondent logo on blue background Portrait Susan Glasser: Courtesy of Susan Glasser; Portrait Julian Heißler: © David Calvert
