Citizen Science & GLAM

6. November 2020 
16:30 — 18:00  WIB
Moderator: Dasapta Erwin
Guests: Siobhan Leachman, Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko, M.Sc., Claudia Göbel

Language: English with live interpretation to Indonesian

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Citizen Science relies on public participation to develop scientific knowledge. By making use of the collective strength of the public, it facilitates research on a bigger scale and generates potentials to retrieve new sources of information, knowledge, and perspectives. What roles do GLAM and research institutions play in the co-production of knowledge through Citizen Science? How to best design a citizen science project and encourage people to participate? How can this collaboration contribute to Open Science strategy? Different perspectives from GLAMs, research institutions, and citizen science volunteers will be explored.
Dasapta Erwin Irawan is a geologist by training. He received his PhD from Bandung Institute of Technology in 2009, his research focus is hydrogeology and hydrochemistry. Aside from teaching and researching, he works keenly on promoting open science to Indonesia’s research community. In 2017 he headed a team to start the INArxiv preprint server hosted by the Center for Open Science, and in 2020 he coordinated the startup of a new preprint server brand, the RINarxiv, that is hosted 100% in Indonesia’s infrastructure by PDDI LIPI.

Siobhan Leachman is a volunteer for a plethora of GLAM, digital humanities, and citizen science projects. Her mission in life is to connect everything. She advocates for open access, open Creative Commons copyright licenses, and defends the public domain. She is currently obsessed with crowdsourcing, citizen science, various Wikimedia projects, women scientists and scientific illustrators, citation data, New Zealand’s endemic moths, name authority data, iNaturalist and Charles Heaphy artworks. These obsessions change at her whim.

Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko, M.Sc. has been the head of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) since 2018. Handoko has also been the deputy for Engineering Science (IPT) LIPI since 2014. In 1993 he earned a bachelor’s degree in physics from Kumamoto University Japan and two years later earned a master’s degree from Hiroshima University Japan in theoretical physics. In 1998 he obtained a doctorate at the same university. He had the opportunity to do research as a visiting scientist at the International Center for Theoretical Pyhsics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy (1998) and as a postdoctoral fellow at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY in Humbolt, Germany (1998–2001).

Claudia Göbel is a social scientist and practitioner in the field of open participatory research. Her background is in science and technology studies. She works on open organizations, research policy and equity in Citizen (Social) Sciences. She is based at the Institute for Higher Education Research (HoF) at Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg and at the natural history museum in Berlin. Claudia co-chairs the working group on “Empowerment, Inclusiveness and Equity in Citizen Science and Community-Based Research” jointly hosted by the European Citizen Science Association and the Living Knowledge Network and is working to link Citizen Science and Open Science.