homepage Zeitgeister The Cultural Magazine of the Goethe-Institut

Between two Worlds Bourgeois and Artist Thomas Mann

Thomas Mann grappled with it his entire life – this inner tension between bourgeois existence and his calling as an artist. We explore a conflict that shaped his literary work more than anything else.

Foto (Detail): © picture alliance / Mary Evans Picture Library Film still from “Death in Venice” by Luchino Visconti (Björn Andresen and Dirk Bogarde)

For beginners Reading tips for the “Magic Mountain”

Thomas Mann’s novel “The Magic Mountain” has the reputation of being a book for “true intellectuals”. It need not be quite so daunting, however: we have some tips for the less scholarly inclined and for Thomas Mann novices determined to give this literary classic a chance.

Photo (detail): Etienne Bösiger; © Unsplash High Mountain

What else is on offer?

Rama Abdulhadi Feels like home to me

Rama Abdulhadi and her family fled war-torn Syria and, after a perilous journey, arrived in Germany in 2015. How has her life unfolded since then? What challenges has she faced? What are her dreams for the future? Find out more about Rama’s story.

© Marcus Sporkmann / Goethe-Institut Rama Abdulhadi in the Hofgarten in Munich

Solidarity Whose world is the world?

Written for the film “Kuhle Wampe”, the “Solidaritätslied” (Solidarity Song) stands as a timeless anthem of the workers’ movement. In the film, solidarity was unequivocally tied to the unity of the working class. But what does solidarity mean in today’s world? An article about the social relevance of the song.

© Ricardo Roa Titelbild Gegenüber Artikel Solidaritätslied zeigt eine Collage mit Eisler, Tonträger und Noten

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