Ariane Koek

Ariane Koek © Julian Calo Ariane Koek is internationally known as a consultant, producer, curator and writer in the field of arts, science and technology. In 2009 she initiated the Arts at CERN programme - designing and directing its 3 strands, Collide, Accelerate and Guest Artists until 2015. During that time she worked with over 78 different artists, including Goshka Macuga, Iris Van Herpen, Anselm Kiefer and Ryoji Ikeda.

Since 2015, she has worked independently for international foundations, philanthropists, museums, universities, and government institutions around the world. These include for example The European Commission, The Wellcome, The Exploratorium USA, The Endowment Fund of the International Red Cross Committee (FICRC), Pro Helvetia (The Swiss Arts Council) Science Gallery International, and Cavendish Laboratories at the University of Cambridge.

In 2022 she was awarded a Bogliasco Fellowship, and in 2021 was invited as a Creative Director of the Official Italian Virtual Pavillion during the Venice Architecture Biennale. Ariane is on the cultural boards of HeK (House of Electronic Arts) Basel, Swizterland; The Edgelands Institute (Harvard University/Geneva); AND (Abandon Normal Devices) Manchester, UK, and The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy dedicated to envionrmental scientific research and policy making across Europe.

Ariane is also a Clore Fellow, Salzburg Global Fellow, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA).