Alexandra Martens Serrano

Artist Alexandra Martens Serrano © Alexandra Martens Serrano Alexandra Martens Serrano, originally from El Salvador, is a post-disciplinary artist and researcher currently residing in Amsterdam. Reflecting her personal cultural hybridity, her post-disciplinary practice retains knowledge of the specificities of disciplines and of their histories but is also inherently transgressive and capable of operating outside the limitations imposed by them.
Influenced by her multicultural upbringing across Latin America, Asia, and Europe, her practice transcends disciplinary boundaries, embracing alternative knowledge systems and liminal identities.

Her installations function as ecosystems, blending sculptures, drawings, text, video, and sound into complex, non-linear constellations. Drawing inspiration from historical artifacts to digital interfaces, her work explores techno-ecologies and speculative realities. Using traditional techniques alongside digital tools like Blender and comfyui, she engages with hybrid identities and cosmologies, resonating with linguistics, metaphysics, and bio-politics. Through her diverse practice, she seeks to challenge and expand conventional narratives, embracing inclusive forms of knowledge and communication. She will work on her proposal Semillas del Azarin Lagos, Nigeria.

To check her creative pursuits, visit