Accessibility statement

    The Goethe-Institut places great emphasis on the availability of its products and services to all users. We are committed to making our websites and mobile apps accessible in line with the provisions of the Act on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz; BayBGG) and the Accessible Information Technology Regulation (Barrierefreie Informationstechnik-Verordnung; BITV 2.0) in order to uphold the EU Directive 2016/2102.

    The legal basis for this accessible design is the Bavarian E-government Regulation (Bayerische E-Government-Verordnung; BayEGovV) in conjunction with BITV 2.0.

    This accessibility statement applies to the online presence at: including all sublevels of that website. It does not apply to the entire web presence of

    Creation of this accessibility statement

    This statement was created on 22.2.2022 and most recently audited on 8.2.2022.

    This website has been audited by the independent BITV test centre Stiftung Pfennigparade in line with the BITV test method. The criteria listed in the current BITV/WCAG at the time of testing were audited in 92 steps. Any necessary modifications to the website are undertaken during the course of ongoing development.

    Non-accessible content

    The content listed below is not fully accessible:

    1. missing alt text for control elements in some instances
    2. missing or incorrect alt text for graphics and objects in some instances
    3. missing audio descriptors or full-text alternatives for videos in some instances
    4. missing HTML structural elements for headings and lists in some instances
    5. user data entry fields do not convey the purpose in some instances
    6. contrasts for text are not sufficient in some instances
    7. scalability of 200% is not fulfilled in some instances
    8. contrasts for graphics and graphic control elements are not sufficient in some instances
    9. overlaid content is not interactive in some instances
    10. cannot be used without a mouse in some instances
    11. keyboard shortcuts cannot be turned off or adapted in some instances
    12. sections cannot be skipped in some instances
    13. no consistent sequence in keyboard operation in some instances
    14. no descriptive link texts in some instances
    15. current position of focus unclear in some instances
    16. no alternatives for complex pointer gestures in some instances
    17. visible captioning not a part of the accessible name in some instances
    18. unexpected context change on text entry in some instances
    19. no error detection in some instances
    20. labelling of form elements missing in some instances
    21. no help with errors in some instances
    22. name, role, value unavailable in some instances
    23. status messages programmatically unavailable in some instances
    24. no user-defined settings available in some instances


    At the Goethe-Institut we are constantly working on improving our website, and have not yet been able to ensure that all content and services are digitally accessible due to the volume of material and complexity of the website. We are aware of the non-accessible content detailed here. There is a list with explanatory notes of the problems encountered during the implementation of accessibility on this website. The comments and notes are being processed currently.

    Alternative access pathways

    Please make use of the contact details provided below.

    Evaluation method

    Audit method: third-party
    (Pfennigparade WKM GmbH,

    Audit report creation date: 22.2.2022

    The target date for the next compatibility status audit is 28.02.2023.

    Reporting accessibility issues and information about accessibility for this website

    Would you like to report existing accessibility issues or request information about how accessibility is implemented? Please send your feedback and request any information by emailing an.

    The accessibility contact is:

    Goethe-Institut e.V.
    Oskar-von-Miller-Ring 18
    80333 Munich

    Enforcement procedure

    The enforcement procedure allows you to submit an online application to check whether the accessibility requirements are being followed.

    Contact details of enforcement office

    Landesamt für Digitalisierung, Breitband und Vermessung
    IT-Dienstleistungszentrum des Freistaats Bayern
    Durchsetzungs- und Überwachungsstelle für barrierefreie Informationstechnik
    St.-Martin-Straße 47
    81541 Munich

    Arbitration procedure

    If no acceptable solution has been found even after communicating your feedback to the contact above, you can take the matter to the arbitration board, referring to § 16 of the Act on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz; BGG). The BGG arbitration board is responsible for supporting an out-of-court settlement in the event of conflict relating to accessibility between people with disabilities and state authorities. The arbitration procedure is free of charge. There is no need for a legal representative. You can find further information on the arbitration procedure and your options for filing an application here:

    You can contact the BGG arbitration board directly by emailing