Haitham Alsharif & Fahed Alkafarna  Trust in your Roots

In the title of Trust, Fahed and I started working together via WhatsApp, discussing what trust means to us. We thought of the trust that means to us the most, the trust that you would see in people to their roots, the trust and loyalty they have to their upbringing and their home. As changes happen to these people and the generations after them, you can see the beautiful loyalty they have to their original home and culture.

In these photos, I made portraits of my family and friends, whom I have seen in their normal lives whether in their occupation or out in an event wearing a mixture of their modern lives but keeping the original touch of culture and roots in their representation. From the “بناجر “in my niece’s arms and my sister’s lab coat working as a pharmacist for years with “النقاب.“ To my friends mixing their modern esthetics of jewelry and hairstyles with pieces of clothing from their grandparents and parents that they wear in their daily lives.

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