Watching the 2010 Australian animation film The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan and Andrew Ruhemann led to a discussion on the idea of not fitting in. The children drew a variety of lost things from their imaginations - creatures with multiple heads and eyes, hybrids with robotic and animal traits, things that seemed familiar and yet completely unrecognisable. Things that are lost on their own but become a community when gathered together.
Where do these ideas of belonging and un-belonging come from? Perhaps there are clues in the words that the children strung together in the session, from an exercise where they paired a feeling with an activity.
Perhaps, they can point us to ways of understanding how not to feel lost.
I dance and I feel cool
I run and I feel tired
I play and I feel hopeful
I eat and I feel powerful
I cry and I feel relaxed
I jump and I feel scared
I run and I feel powerful
I sleep and I feel happy
I box and I feel tired
I fight and I feel shy
I dance to feel hopeful
I run to feel strong
I dream to feel powerful