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Prize of the Jury

Honors the film that makes a particularly strong impression on the jury and is relevant to the theme of the year. The film delivers an emotional and intellectual resonance, which distinguishes it as an overall outstanding work of science journalism through film and television.

Prize of the Jury

RESTORE: Films from the Frontiers of Hope

This documentary series presents a beacon of hope amid the perilous decline of our natural world. Through ten meticulously crafted short films, the series shines a spotlight on ten locations where nature is staging a remarkable resurgence. These sites stand as the pioneering ten UN World Restoration Flagships, exemplifying humanity's potential to achieve the ambitious objectives set forth in the new Global Biodiversity Framework. The initiatives signify the vanguard of hope for our planet, representing a collective commitment to safeguard 30% of Earth's lands and seas while restoring 20% from the grips of degradation. Carefully curated under the auspices of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, these films epitomize the Earth's frontiers of optimism. The selection process was conducted in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration stands as a global movement meticulously designed to halt and reverse the degradation of natural spaces worldwide. By unveiling the World Restoration Flagships, this initiative aims to celebrate the most exemplary instances of large-scale, enduring ecosystem restoration. These projects serve as living embodiments of the 10 Restoration Principles outlined by the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. The jury wholeheartedly acknowledges and commends the efforts undertaken by the UN Decade for Ecological Restoration in showcasing these successful cases of restoration flagships. Through the short documentary films, the series adeptly communicates the multifaceted issues these projects address. By highlighting these initiatives, the series not only inspires but also educates audiences about the critical significance of ecosystem restoration in safeguarding the future of our planet.

  • Categories Ecology and Environment

  • Produced by Todd Brown and Samah Tokmachi I Camera: Egor Koval , Darya Kuznetsova
  • Running Time 1:10 minutes
  • Country Transnational
  • Year 2023

Director Details

Samuel Díaz Fernández, Nathaniel J. Brown, Miya Wang, Nitye Sood, Frank Papushka , Thomas Cristofoletti, Jamie Kennerley, Todd Brown, Samah Tokmachi, Ann-Kathrin Neureuther and Florian Fussstetter