Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash

Magic Moments – The Spell of Nature

Université et grand public

Whether it’s night or day, the northern or southern hemisphere, irrespective of the season or the precise location – our planet’s natural world produces truly magical moments all year round. The first rays of the rising sun wake animals and plants from their rest. In spring, the last of the snow melts away, and the first buds and blossoms emerge. It is hardly surprising that humans remain so fascinated by the wonders that surround us. After all, we are an integral part of the spell of nature, and our lives are inseparable from the world’s many different natural spectacles, breath-taking occurrences, and unforgettable ‘Magic Moments’.

  • Catégories Sciences naturelles, sciences de la vie et technologie

  • Scénariste Christopher Köhler und Ivo Filatsch
  • Produit par A TERRA MATER FACTUAL STUDIOS production
  • Durée 50 Minutes
  • Pays Autriche
  • Année 2020

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