Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash

Programme with the Mouse – The Mystery of the Cloud

École primaire (9 à 11 ans)

Presenter André Gatzke writes a script on his computer and saves the text in the "cloud". The cloud also makes it easy for André to work on the text with several colleagues. But what is the cloud and why can data be stored in it? It's certainly not a cloud in the sky. Computer professionals have only given the cloud storage option this name, because a cloud hovers
overhead, so to speak. No inhabitant of the Earth can look into it; the cloud is meant purely symbolically. But how does it work? André researches diligently and becomes aware of a data
center located in Frankfurt. He is allowed to enter under high security precautions and with the help of Mareike and Holger, uncovers the secret of the "cloud".

  • Catégories Edutainment pour toute la famille

  • Titre original Sending mit der Maus – Das Geheimnis der Cloud
  • Scénariste Matthias Wegmann
  • Produit par WDR
  • Durée 9 Minutes
  • Pays Allemagne
  • Année 2019

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