The film takes the viewer on a journey around the globe to discover a host of colorful creatures that make our world such a spectacularly diverse place. Seen from space, Earth may appear mainly green and blue, but a closer look reveals the true abundance of hues and shades caused by light refraction. As the full force of the Sun’s rays hits the forest, a world of greys becomes green. Indeed, this is one of the most prominent colors on our planet; the chlorophyll required for photosynthesis reflects a certain section of the light spectrum, making much of the Earth’s vegetation appear green to human eyes. The inhabitants of the forests, however, come in all shades. This is by no means limited to birds: reptiles like chameleons and marine animals like cephalopods even communicate using their distinctive colors. From giant humpback whales to tiny dancing spiders – we explore what makes our globe such a kaleidoscope of color.

  • Catégories Sciences naturelles, sciences de la vie et technologie

  • Scénariste Petra Lederhilger
  • Produit par A production of TERRA MATER FACTUAL STUDIOS
  • Durée 50 Minutes
  • Pays Autriche
  • Année 2020

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