In the North-eastern part of India, yaks are raised by the highland tribal nomads of Brokpa (in Arunachal Pradesh) and Dokpa (in Sikkim) communities. The yak plays an important role in the social and religious life of these communities. The key problem of yak rearing in North Sikkim is the Animal feed and fodder scarcity particularly during the winter season. Traditionally, Yak graze on high altitude pasture grasses. Due to the modern infrastructure development near the high-altitude International Borders and seizing of borders has restricted the available of pastures for Yak grazing. Now, youth are interested in taking up this age-old profession of Yak rearing. The film looks at the problems and challenges of local Yak herders and the role of science and technology in bringing change in their quality of life and thus results in a strong sustainable societal foundation.

  • Catégories Ecologie & Environnement

  • Scénariste Rakesh Andania
  • Produit par Anoop Kaur, Surjit Singh
  • Durée 14 Minutes
  • Pays Inde
  • Année 2022

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