Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash

Dandelion: Packaging - The Perfect Gift

École secondaire (12 à 16 ans)

Persuaded by his sister Suse, Fritz Fuchs faces the challenge of designing a Christmas packaging for dog biscuits. Not an easy job, especially for someone like Fritz who is critical of packaging, in addition to having to help the neighbor girl Emma package an egg in a crash-proof manner, and, last but not least, also having trouble with Dani Paschulke! This episode of "Dandelion" focuses on the topic of packaging - it serves to protect and transport goods and is commonplace in a modern consumer society. After use, it is often carelessly discarded. This burdens the environment and contributes to the growing piles of trash. The topic is explained in a child-friendly and simple manner, with the goal of creating awareness of one’s own consumer behavior, avoiding packaging waste, and searching for ecological packaging alternatives.

  • Catégories Edutainment pour toute la famille

  • Titre original Löwenzahn: Verpackungen - Das perfekte Geschenk
  • Scénariste Hannes Spring
  • Produit par im Auftrag des ZDF
  • Durée 25 Minutes
  • Pays Allemagne
  • Année 2022

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