Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash

The Show with the Mouse: Satellite Construction

École primaire (9 à 11 ans)

How does a camera get into space? Photos from space tell us what the weather will be like, farmers can see where their fields need nutrients, and mouse reporter Siham can see exactly where she is on her cell phone. The Sentinel-2B satellite will also deliver new images. The space camera for this is built in a ‘clean room’. No grain of dust allowed in here! This also applies to satellite mounting. Before the satellite can launch, it is shaken firmly to simulate the launch. After the vibration test, every single component is checked to see if it still works as it should. Then the space journey can begin!

Sustainable Development Goals

9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

  • Catégories Edutainment pour toute la famille

  • Titre original Die Sendung mit der Maus: Satellitenbau
  • Scénariste Jan Marschner
  • Produit par WDR
  • Durée 16:48 Minutes
  • Pays Allemagne
  • Année 2019

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