Colour gradient from left to right from purple to light pink


© Goethe-Institut


Whom, What, and How We Read

Through online readings and talks at the intersection of scholarship and the literary scene, as well as book reviews on Instagram, the series aims to open up spaces for texts and readers, different ways of reading, and new perspectives on literature. The project was completed in 2024. All events were broadcast online and are now available as recordings.

Meet the Author

Online Lectures

Book Reviews by Armin, Yeama und Charlott

About the project

Decisions about which titles are deemed to be part of the literary canon are not neutral. Canonical literature reflects power structures. Which aesthetic characteristics are considered to be ideal? Which authors do we pay attention to? With which eyes do we read their books? In music, accidental notes, such as a ♯ or a ♭​​, mark a shift to a different key. Vorzeichen aims to provide impulses which disrupt the idea of a standardised, closed corpus of texts and voices. Through online readings and talks, as well as book reviews on Instagram, the series intends to open up spaces for texts and readers, different ways of reading and new perspectives on literature.