Exchange 250 years Caspar David Friedrich

Painting by Caspar David Friedrich, 1817. A hiker above a sea of fog Painting (Detail): CC0

Thu, 05.09.2024

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM BST

Goethe-Institut Glasgow

An informal gathering and exchange around a chosen topic of German language or culture.

Celebrate the 250th anniversary of the great Romantic artist Caspar David Friedrich with us!

Discover his fascinating paintings and join us on a short journey through the places and landscapes that inspired his most famous works of art. Immerse yourself in the world of Romanticism and find out more about the three major anniversary exhibitions in Hamburg, Berlin and Dresden. 

'Deutsche Runde' is an informal gathering and exchange around a chosen topic of German language or culture. It is ideal for learners with some knowledge of German (B1 and higher). We meet once a month on a Thursday afternoon. Hosted by Claudia Kusian.

Participation is free of charge. You can register via Eventbrite, but it is not essential to do so.

Further upcming meetings:
10 October
14 November
5 December
