Solidarity and universalism Double Exposure

In today's individualized societies, there is a tension between solidarity and universalism. The challenge is to respect diversity and individual freedom without losing a sense of shared responsibility and belonging. Only this double exposure makes it possible for people to stand up for each other in solidarity and respect universal values despite their differences. 

Solidarität © Ricardo Roa

Goethe-Institut USA

your hub for learning German online

The Goethe-Institut USA is Germany's offical cultural center with convenient and effective online German courses and internationally recognized language certificates.

As the international market leader for German courses, we bring you unparalleled expertise and a commitment to delivering top-notch language education.

  • online group, individual and business courses for all levels
  • professional and highly trained instructors
  • state-of-the-art, interactive, and fun teaching methods


The eLibrary is the virtual library of the Goethe-Institut. This free service allows you to borrow digital media, such as ebooks, audio and video files, and electronic newspapers and magazines.

In the Spotlight

Our Focal Points

Solidarity and universalism
Double Exposure

In today's individualized societies, there is a tension between solidarity and universalism. The challenge is to respect diversity and individual freedom without losing a sense of shared responsibility and belonging. Only this double exposure makes it possible for people to stand up for each other in solidarity and respect universal values despite their differences. 

Solidarität © Ricardo Roa

New annual film series
Alles Liebe

The film series Alles Liebe aims to counter the bad news with a ray of hope, at least cinematically, and shows the most beautiful feeling in the world in very different facets - romantic love stories, unconventional forms of relationships, stories of care, friendship and loyalty.

Over a period of twelve months, the series lets us share love stories and shows how people find each other and stand up for each other across dividing lines.

Goethe on Demand: Alles Liebe © Goethe-Institut

German Series in the USA
Binge Fever!

Television “Made in Germany” is having a golden moment with the rise of international streaming services. In this dossier, we highlight binge-worthy German serials and fill you in on where to watch them in the USA.

Animated Binge Fever Illustration of a hand holding a remote control © Colourbox / Image editing Goethe-Institut Los Angeles

The latest music from Germany
Popcast #3/2025

Listen to the latest tracks from Germany. This month with Tocotronic, Polygonia and many more!

Popcast #3/2025: Tocotronic © Noel Richter

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6 Institutes in the United States

Hände halten ein Smartphone vor einer Hausfassade © Goethe-Institut London, Foto: Gosia Cabaj