Adama Paris
19/11 - 29/11/2017

Adama Paris

Adama Paris bio © Omar Viktor
Adama Amanda Ndiaye is the talented designer and entrepreneur behind the brand Adama Paris. Born in Kinshasa, Congo, from Senegalese parents, the well-travelled young woman embodies the multi-cultural designer of the new millennium.

Adama made her home in several international cities allowing her to witness a great variety of cosmopolitan trends throughout the years. This global fashion odyssey inspired the birth of the spirit of the brand Adama Paris. “Fashion made in Africa for the world”, that is the mindset of Adama Paris brand.
Today, Adama lives between Dakar, Los Angeles and Paris. Urban mega polis are the sources of inspiration for this Young 21st century Afropolitan World citizen.

Besides a dynamic and stylish way of dressing, Adama Paris also reflects the spirit of young contemporary women. Adama Paris bridges cultures and walks along all women who refuse to be defined by one limited image too often controlled by one brand and one culture.
Fueled by her desire to share fashion and create multicultural bridges, Adama launched many events throughout the World such as Dakar Fashion Week 15 years ago, in 2010 Black Fashion Week Prague, Montreal and New York lately, Afrika Fashion Awards who became “les trophés de la mode Africaine” (engl.: the trophees of African fashion) (TMA).
In April 2014 Adama launched  in Senegal “Fashion Africa TV – FA TV” the first television Channel 100% dedicated to African fashion. FA TV can be accessed in 44 African, 33 European and 14 American countries, on channel 24 and Canal+ as well as with Roku Box.
Adama is a fashion activist who wants to situate fashion made in Africa on the fashion world map and moreover seeks to give exposure to women of color in the industry by fighting the existing discrimination and lack of opportunity.
Adama Paris holds a scholarship from the Goethe Institut Dakar as a resident at Vila Sul.