Klaus Janek and Milena Kipfmüller
25/03 - 20/05/2017

​Klaus Janek and Milena Kipfmüller

janek_kipfmueller_737 © Marcus Lieberenz
Klaus Janek and Milena Kipfmüller have worked together since 2013 and in their collaboration develop „performative instruments“ in the interface between staging, art, radio and sound. In their compositions they produce unusual soundscapes through different sounds through the musical processing of previously existing musical material, field recordings and sounds based on human language. Works are often specific to the place in which they are made or happen in public spaces, and are also strongly characterized by external and surrounding influences. In the compositional process, not only is the acoustic context inscribed, but also the aesthetic, political and social context as well.
Klaus Janek was born in Bozen and has livedin Berln since the 90s, where he works as bass playes and composer in the free and experimental scene and also in the fields of dance and theater.
Milena Kipfmüller was born in Porto Alegre and grew up between Brazil and Germany. She works in Germany as sound and audio artist and radiophonic playwright.
In Salvador, the duo analyses microparticles of the acoustic dialogue amongst various acoustic actors. Also, it investigates how a compositional dialogue in staged concerts for an audience can emerge with local artists, passers-by and the public space.

They hold a scholarship from the Robert Bosch Foundation.

Below a video of the project the duo carried out in Salvador:
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