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Network and the words "Gaza Artists Hub"© Goethe-Institut. Photo: Canva.

Hub for Artists from Gaza

The ongoing war in Gaza has resulted in a dire humanitarian crisis, leaving the Palestinian population grappling with limited access to fundamental necessities. To support the artists and cultural practitioners from Gaza who have relocated to Egypt and intend to continue their creative work, the Goethe-Institut in Cairo establishes the Hub for Artists from Gaza.

The Hub for Artists from Gaza is an initiative that aims to provide a platform for artists from Gaza to showcase their artwork and encourage their creativity despite their dire circumstances. The Goethe-Institut Cairo offers financial and psychosocial support, as well as various activities such as exchange and networking with other artists and cultural workers and exchange with the Egyptian cultural scene.

Empowering the creative voices of Gazan artists displaced from their homes is crucial as art serves as a powerful tool for processing trauma, expressing identity, and fostering resilience. By providing a platform for these artists, we encourage them to continue creating, sharing their experiences, connecting with a broader audience, collaborating with other Egyptian artists and maintaining a vital link with their cultural heritage in the face of displacement. As part of the Hub, up to ten artists and cultural professionals who have recently managed to leave Gaza and relocate to Egypt will be selected for the scholarship program. The scholarship is for a duration of six months (from mid-June to mid-December).


Who: Artists from Gaza who relocated to Egypt after November 16, 2023.
Section: All artistic disciplines and practices
Place: Egypt
Duration: 6 months from June 15 until December 14, 2024
Application Deadline: May 20, 2024, 23:55



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)



If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact gazahub@goethe.de.

Please note:

  • Incorrect and/or incomplete information, as well as omission of important information, may result in revocation of the scholarship, regardless of whether the information is intentionally or inadvertently incorrect, incomplete, or omitted.
  • The Goethe-Institut reserves the right to rescind the grants in the event that the funds to be transferred have not been made available on the part of the funding partners.
  • There is no legal entitlement to the award of a scholarship by the Goethe-Institut.
  • If you apply you agree that we will process your data as described in the Information on data protection and processing of your personal data.
  • The Goethe-Institut has no-tolerance towards all forms of violence, harassment, and discrimination and expects the same from its contractual partners, grantees, and scholarship holders. Partners agree to follow the anti-harassment, anti-violence, and anti-discrimination approach of the Goethe-Institut.
  • Administrative and programmatic modifications based on the requirements of the selected artists and cultural practitioners may be feasible. We will examine further details regarding this matter during the upcoming phases of the project based on the participant´s selection.
Information on data protection and processing of your personal data
