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Digital Discourses 2022
The Future of Mobility

Self-driving cars already exist. This technology is set to rapidly change how people move in urban spaces. Despite the growing industry, there are many unanswered questions. Who is responsible in an accident with a self-driving car? What if a car had to choose between two people in a life-threatening accident? Most importantly, how should we regulate autonomous vehicles?


Max Tauschhuber Max Tauschhuber studied law and European law at the Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg. His focus is on technology law. He is a research assistant at the RobotRecht (RobotLaw) research centre.



Janitra Haryanto Janitra Haryanto is an Indonesian public policy consultant with an interest in the risks associated with technology development. His prior research topics include digital content, data protection, and emerging technology risks.
