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Murari Jha

About the Actant

Murari Jha © Murari Jha © Murari Jha Murari Jha is a visual and performance artist based in Delhi. He completed his Bachelor’s Degree from Patna University and his Master’s Degree from B.R Ambedkar University, Agra. Jha works with a variety of media including performance, installation and drawing. He is particularly interested in the performativity of the body in space and time; objects and spectators; and live art, specifically looking at actions that are central to body politics. His work has been shown at  Mumbai Art Room; 2018 Morni Hills Performance Art Biennale, Chandigarh; Kiran Nadar Musuem of Art, Noida; Serendipity Art Festival, Goa amongst others. 

Far From My Home © Murari Jha © Murari Jha In villages or rural areas a Machaan is used by people to live. It is also used as an Adda (a hub) where people sit together, talk, discuss and entertain themselves. It can be a mundane or a charged space for the exchange of ideas. This Adda exists everywhere, layered by actions, practiced by people in time. The Machaan becomes a performative space, an informal second “Parliament” exploring ways of embodying space, time, togetherness and language.