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Namoos Bukhari


About the Actant

Namoos Bukhari © Namoos Bukhari © Namoos Bukhari Namoos Bukhari was born and partly brought up in Srinagar, Kashmir. After pursuing his Masters in Media Governance from the Centre for Culture Media and Governance-JMI in 2017, he has been working with the survivors of Pellet Shotgun injuries in Kashmir.

A Secret Visuality of Injustice © Namoos Bukhari © Namoos Bukhari This exploration is to incubate the participants in the audience within a sensorium of sorts. The point is to make it Intelligible to the mind, Legible to the eyes and Sensible to an infinite pattern of senses, by employing distinct peculiarities of the mediums of performance, image, speech, text and sound. Thus simultaneously enabling our disjointed individual senses a coalesced sense of public and that of a sentient sensual solidarity. It is to habituate one to the realities which one might otherwise not inhabit - not because of predilection - but inspite of it. It is to whirl the participants into a state of time that they might not have known but which does exist as an Unknown Known. Can I be you without I being you?