"It’s all about outside space"

Ludivine Gragy is a freelance landscape architect. Professional experience in Switzerland and Japan has influenced her work. But Berlin has become her chosen home.

By Ula Brunner

Ludivine Gragy …

… was born in Fontainebleau. She studied at the École du paysage de Versailles as well as at TU Berlin. She gained her first work experience in Japan and Switzerland. In her projects she considers it particularly important to highlight the unique qualities of a location. Her creations have already been awarded a few prizes. Ludivine Gragy has been working as a self-employed landscape architect in Berlin since 2016.

Landscape architects …

… design, plan and create undeveloped areas: parks, sports grounds, recreational facilities, public spaces and gardens. The point of their work is to create living environments that are environmentally and socially intact. Landscape architecture is a subject that can be studied in German-speaking countries at universities and technical colleges. Landscape architects are either employed in planning offices or administration departments. Or – like Ludivine – they work on a freelance basis with their own consultancy firm.



There is a lack of skilled workers in Germany. Many people therefore come to Germany to work here. In which professions do they work? What does their working life look like? In the series “#MyJob” we introduce some of these people – and their everyday working life.
