Guided tours

Are you a teacher or a student learning German? Would you be interested in introducing your students to the Goethe-Institut library and its services? Do you want to incorporate the topic of "library" into your curriculum and provide your pupils with a refreshing break from their school day? We provide personalized guided tours of the Goethe-Institut Korea library for you and your students.

Bibliotheksführungen Korea © Goethe-Institut Korea

Personalized, interactive, free of charge

We offer tours of our library for individuals, school classes, student groups, and cultural or educational institutions. The tours are available for all ages and levels and can be conducted in either German or Korean.

During the tour, you will learn about the library's services and the work of the Goethe-Institut. We can also organize special themed tours upon request. At the end of the tour, you can test your newly acquired knowledge with a quiz.

The library tours are free of charge and are available for classes, student groups and educational institutions. The tours usually take place outside of the library's regular service hours. If you are interested, please contact the library at +82 2 2021 2804or via mail:

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