Advice and information

Dates and enrollment Photo: Goethe-Institut/Bettina Siegwart

Exam Dates

Do you need certification or a diploma for work, study, or a visa? Would you like to know the level of your knowledge of German?
There are numerous internationally recognized proficiency exams available through our institute.

Our examinations

Do you need certification or a diploma for work, study or a visa? Would you like to know the level of your knowledge of German? There are numerous internationally recognised proficiency exams available through our institute.

The overview of Goethe-Institut examination and course levels can tell you which exam is designed for which level.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Language Office.

Further Offerings

Test your German

Test how „gut“ your German is: Are you just starting out, pretty good or really great? This test gives you a first orientation. 
