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Trademarks of successful applicants:
  • They are enrolled in a community college or in their high school senior year
  • They want to learn about vocational training and workplaces in Germany and show interest in engineering
  • They are keen to learn the German language and master speaking German in the workplace
  • They are willing and able to dedicate 9-15 hours a week for a total of 15 weeks of intense language training in 2023 (language courses are entirely free of cost thanks to stipends from the Goethe-Institut)
  • Age requirement: Born in or before the year 2006 (at least 18 years old at time of travel)


NB: The total size of all uploaded files may not exceed 20 MB.
NB: The total size of all uploaded files may not exceed 20 MB.

Please include address, community college/high school, contact information

* required
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